Tap To Call
Defining the Future of Mobile Healthcare™
Built in the USA
Type I Slide


Our rugged all-aluminum construction provides an exceptionally safe and strong environment for your medics.

Custom Ambulance Manufacturers
Mobile Stroke Unit Slide


Equipped with an onboard CT scanner and telemedicine capabilities, the Frazer Mobile Stroke Unit is designed to bring the latest in stroke care to your doorstep.

We specialize in Emergency Medical Services (EMS) vehicles suitable for licensing and use as Mobile Clinics, Mobile Stroke Units and Ambulances.

من المصنع مباشرةً

كل شيء حول Frazer يأتي من المصنع مباشرةً.
ينتقل عملاؤنا مباشرةً إلى المصدر، بالتعاون مع المديرين التنفيذيين لأقسام المبيعات والهندسة والخدمات والمسؤولين التنفيذيين بشركة Frazer.

تكلفة ملكية منخفضة

احصل على أقل تكلفة للملكية! مع أقل تكلفة إجمالية للملكية في هذا المجال الصناعي.
يجد العملاء تخفيضات في أي مكان تتراوح من 42% – 60% في تكاليف صيانة الأسطول الشاملة.

تكييف الهواء القوي

أصبح تكييف الهواء البارد الثلجي المتوفر بواسطة نظام التدفئة والتهوية وتكييف الهواء بقوة 120 فولت سمة مميزة في جميع سيارات Frazer منذ يومنا الأول في مجال خدمات الطوارئ الطبية.

خيارات الطاقة

منذ البداية نعرف أن مصدر الطاقة المستقل بالحجم المناسب الذي يعمل بقوة 120 فولت هو الأساس الموثوق فيه الوحيد لوحدة سيارات الإسعاف الخاصة بك.

What Can Frazer Build For You

Frazer Mobile Stroke Unit Vehicle

Mobile Stroke Unit

Our newest innovation in the mobile healthcare industry is the Mobile Stroke Unit Vehicle. In 2016, the CT scanner mounting and retention system successfully passed the SAE J3043 (Ambulance Equipment Mount Device or Systems) certification test making Frazer The only Mobile Stroke Unit on the road today to have a CT scanner mount tested for compliance with SAE J3043.

Frazer Mobile Healthcare Vehicle

Specialty Mobile Healthcare

Frazer, Ltd has been in the driver’s seat of generator-powered EMS modules for decades and now we’re applying our years of experience to a new mobile healthcare vehicle that redefines the concept of the house call.

Frazer Type I Vehicle

Type I EMS

The Type I is the most popular product in our line of Generator-Powered EMS Modules. Our rugged all-aluminum construction provides an exceptionally safe and strong environment for your medics.

Frazer Type III Vehicle


The Frazer Type III Generator-Powered EMS module features a cutaway-style chassis. The cutaway chassis features lower frame rails thereby lowering the floor height. This makes it easier to load cots and eliminates the need for the lowering feature of an aftermarket suspension.

The Frazer Difference

Since 1985
Frazer has been building custom EMS Vehicles. Old HFD Frazer Unit

Proven Dependability
Primary EMS vehicle provider for 2 of the top 10 metroplexes in the United States.

Proven Dependability

Market Leaders in Type I EMS Vehicles
Frazer Started In 1956

In Business Since 1956

Frazer, Ltd is the nation’s leading provider of generator-powered mobile healthcare vehicles. As the industry has grown significantly from when we started over 60 years ago, one thing that never changes is our unwavering commitment to providing the safest, most durable and reliable vehicles on the road today.

Safety & Durability a Top Priority
Built to survive harsh and unforeseen conditions.
  • Modules built from structural aluminum tubing, aluminum exterior skin, and steel (no wood)
  • Compliant with the toughest industry standards: Triple-K Change Notice 10, CAAS GVS v1.0 and NFPA 1917
  • Bright LED lighting in interior and all compartments comes standard
  • The only Mobile Stroke Unit on the road today to have a CT scanner mount tested for compliance with SAE J3043
CT Scanner Mounted Unit
Redundant Power Systems Built In
Primary Power Source

Frazer uses a 120-volt generator that is independent of the chassis electrical system, which keeps the original equipment manufacturer warranty of the chassis intact.

Frazer Primary Power Source

	Mobile Electric Power System

Fail-safe Backup Power

Frazer leverages the 12-volt DC chassis electrical system as a backup power source that is only used if the primary generator power source fails.

Fail Safe Backup Power

Simple & Reliable Electrical Design
  • Primary power independent of chassis electrical system
  • Ease of troubleshooting and maintenance
  • Elegant layout using common components
Frazer ElectricalFrazer Electrical Design

Competitor ElectricalCompetitor Electrical

Proprietary HVAC for Maximum Comfort & Passenger Safety
Cooling System

Frazer AC Unit

  • 120-volt air conditioner blows cold, independent of the chassis electrical and air conditioning systems
  • 450 Cubic Foot per minute fan recirculates all of the air in the module every 2 minutes to keep occupants cool
  • AC system is self-contained and side-mounted (nothing on the roof) for ease of maintenance and lower overall height clearance on the truck
Heating System

Frazer Heating Unit

  • Independent heater optional for colder, northern climates.

See What Our Customers Have To Say

Wait Till You See The Real Thing
Contact Frazer For More Info
+1 (888) 372-9371

Frazer Emergency Vehicles